According to Beijing Public Security Bureau's Exit-Entry Administration on June 26, foreign newborns born in Beijing can now apply online for residence registration starting immediately.
Here is the specific process:
1. Prepare Documents
Parents or guardians of foreign infants should scan the information page of their valid foreign passport or other international travel documents, the page showing the valid visa, and the "Birth Medical Certificate" of the foreign infant.
2. Email Submission
Send the scanned documents to the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau's Exit-Entry Administration Bureau for Foreigners Visa Document Acceptance Internet Email: [email protected].
将扫描后的文件发送至北京市公安局出入境管理局外国人签证证件受理网络邮箱:[email protected]皇冠信用網在线申请。
3. Awaiting Review
The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau's Exit-Entry Administration Bureau will provide feedback on the review results via email within 7 working days upon receipt of the email. Upon approval, the online registration procedure can be completed.
According to relevant provisions of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, parents or guardians of foreign infants born in China are required to apply for residence registration within 60 days of the infant's birth. They should bring the infant's birth certificate to the local public security bureau's exit-entry administration agency at or above the county level where the parents reside for processing the registration of residence or stay. Failure to register the birth of a foreign infant as required will result in penalties in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.
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